Tuesday, March 16, 2010


So sleepy.... This caffeine fast is taking a toll on me. :( I might start taking a Guarana supplement in the morning to help with the drain. Part of today's problem might be that I tried to go to bed early last night, but had a hard time staying asleep. I kept waking up with a small cough, so I took about 1/2 a dose of my Rx cough syrup. Not sure what time that was, but it may be part of the reason I am dragging so bad today.

So, yesterday, I ended up doing P90x Chest & Back (w/worksheet in the gym), a 30 minute cardio treadmill run and 30 minutes on the stair stepper with 8 lbs weights in each hand. I am definitely sore today, but it's a good sore.

The stair stepper routine is basically this:
2 minutes w/no weights on level 10
1 minute hammer curls or tricep pulls w/weights on level 8
2 minutes w/no weights on level 10
Turn around and repeat. Try not to hold onto the bars as much as possible the entire time.

I felt fantastic!! It reminded me of when I first started and felt how working out really affected my mood in a positive way. I didn't track yesterday, but I know my caloric intake was pretty much perfect. If I keep this up, I will hit my target in no time.

The plan for today is to hit up Spin, maybe Body Pump, Ab Ripper X and lower back. All Spectrums are having a member party tonight, so anyone gets in free! If you're up for a party and some quality gym time, tonight is the night! :)

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