Thursday, March 4, 2010

Kitchen Make-Over (Almost) Complete

...just one little trip to the fruit stand left!

Yesterday, I made my lists (Whole Foods, Wal Mart, fruit stand) and headed out to revamp my kitchen. Basically, my lists are categorized by importance. My Whole Foods list has my most important items - specifically, what I MUST buy organic. My fruit stand list includes fruits and veggies that are in season. Wal Mart gets what is left over, like Drano and shaving cream. :) While I understand that buying organic can be expensive, I have started to look at it in a different light than most. I have one body, and I am going to treat it like a Rolls Royce. I put regular gas in my car because it's a Mazda and I can buy another one if it breaks. I cannot just go get another body if I screw mine up. I figure, if we cut back our out-to-eat spending, those dollars can be put towards buying organic, fresh groceries. So far, so good.

Some items that I always buy organic:
- apples
- eggs (cageless, range free)
- meat (free roaming, veg diet) - on sale
- fruits/veggies not in season

I always get my Greek yogurt from WF, too. I've only found Chobani there and Winn Dixie. AND, I love the Farmers Market for pretty much anything they have. I especially love getting my goat cheese there.

One thing that I have started doing, that I strongly recommend, is making salad dressing at home. You can use things you may already have at home! For example, this morning I made an orange vinaigrette for my lunch salad - just enough, too! I used extra virgin pecan oil (my current kitchen sub for EVOO), walnut oil, orange juice, orange peel, fresh ground pepper and apple cider vinegar. You could use any nut oil instead of walnut, or nothing. It's fresh and tangy, and I control how much of everything is in it. You can find dressing recipes all over the place, and there is so much variety. Plus, I love that I can make just enough for that day and see if I like it.

I have been trying to track daily again. I missed this weekend with the 1/2 Marathon (see Melody's page for the story on that!), and then yesterday. Other than that, I've been doing well with getting back on board. I need to be 100% by next week for P90x!

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