Thursday, March 11, 2010

Forgive my cough.

Day 2 of bronchitis. Ugh. I ended up checking in twice yesterday. At first, we thought it was just a sinus infection. But, after I went home for lunch, my temperature shot from 99.1 to 101.2 (in the span of about 1-2 hours). It jumped to 101.7 from the house back to Drusilla. I tested negative for flu, strep and mono. All of the fun was happening in my lungs. Nothing worse than coughing when your entire body already aches. :(

I am on some antibiotics right now, and cough syrup at night to help me sleep. However, I wanted this blog to be about natural remedies that I am looking into for this or other upper respiratory illnesses. One helpful tip is the use of eucalyptus in aromatherapy. My aunt gave us an air revitalizer for Christmas that I am going to use with the eucalyptus when I get home. It helps to soothe inflammation in the lungs and open your airways.

Obviously, most people know that soup is helpful when you're sick. But, adding garlic (which has natural antivirual and antibacterial qualities) and/or cayenne pepper can help break up congestion. You could also add some thyme to your soup to help with bronchial spasms. Or, use the thyme to make a soothing tea.

Juice some vegetables, but stay away from the fruits. The sugar (even though it's natural) could depress your immune system further. Also, stay away from dairy because of its mucus producing properties.

Here is an antioxidant rich juicing blend to help pump up your immune system:
- 3 broccoli florets
- 1 garlic clove
- 4 carrots
- 2 celery stalks
- 1/2 green pepper

One last helpful tip (and personal fav!), have your significant other massage your back and chest. This may be a little painful in the early stages of bronchitis, but it will help break up the congestion sitting in your lungs.

Hopefully, I will have a happier post tomorrow..

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