Tuesday, February 7, 2012

I'm over it.

I'm over it.  I'm done.  DONE.

I'm ready to not be a fat mom anymore.

What is kind of funny about this is that 4 years ago (almost to the day), I made the same decision (minus the mom part).  I had given fitness a halfhearted shot in all of my previous attempts, and the same holds true now.  I've gone a day or two here and there eating well and/or going to the gym.  Then I jump on the scale every other morning or so and expect to see a difference.  Well, this past weekend, I finally had enough.

I want to fit back into ALL of my clothes again.  I don't want to have to buy new, bigger clothes.  Shit, I can't afford to now.

I want my confidence back.  I want to strut around town holding my son.  I want to be active with my son.  I don't want to look back at pictures from my "fitness" days and think that I might not get back to that.

I'm done with the excuses.  My new life as a mother is more reason for me to do this than anything else in this world.

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