Thursday, February 16, 2012

You know what sucks?

Watching what you eat.  Literally.

I've been tracking my food again, and it really does make you hold yourself more accountable.  I have to think about whether or not I'm going to eat that piece of king cake because I have to track it.

Which sucks.

But, I guess it will be good for me in the long run.  I know that tracking works.

So, now that I've established the habit of making and bringing my lunch, it's time to amp it up a little.  I need to double my protein intake and cut my carbs in half.  This morning, I decided that I need to break out the Master Your Metabolism cookbook again.  It has some great recipes.  If I can incorporate those in, and continue to hit get in the exercise that I have been, then I think I'll start Making the Cut on March 1st.  I did one round of it in January 2009, and it really helped me blow through a plateau.  I haven't necessarily hit a plateau, but I feel like I need a great jumpstart.  By March 1st, I'll have been working out on a regular basis for 3 1/2 weeks.  I think that might be a good time to change it up a bit.

Oh, and I've started running again - sort of.  A co-worker/friend has been running with the Varsity Sports running club.  They started a new 6 week program on Monday, and I went with her.  I plan to continue going twice a week for the whole 6 weeks.  Tonight is the next run.  I could do the 1 mile beginner, or join Claire in the 3 miles.  I ran the whole mile on Monday, so I'm going to try the three miles tonight.  I have this love/hate relationship with running....

Hopefully, I will have a good report for Friday afternoon!

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