Wednesday, November 30, 2011

The above photo depresses me..

Because I feel like I will never get back to that point.  But, I know that is not true!  It just seems like that right now.

SO, I'm back!  My sweet little Ethan will turn 4 months tomorrow, and I have started dipping my toes back into the diet/exercise waters.  As much as it sucks, I know that I need to make little changes and build back.  I have to fight the tendency to think that I can just go back full blast.  I know that I cannot.  I have a baby now, and I have to re-learn how to incorporate healthy habits while balancing my job and role as Mommy.

My goals this week:
- Drink more water.  I bought a 64oz refillable jug and aim to drink two full containers by the end of the day.  So far, so good this week!
- Get back in the gym three times.  I made it Monday, took yesterday off (was exhausted from having company over Monday night), and will be back this afternoon.
- Bring my (healthy) lunch and eat it.  Monday went perfectly.  Yesterday, I had a work lunch meeting, and ended up with a (YUMMY) steak.  Part of this goal is to not waste my money, so half of that was met! lol  Today, so far so good.

If I can get through this week and next, then I will add to these goals.  I have to start somewhere, and I sure as hell don't want to start Cross Fit in January without having been doing at least something every week.

1 comment:

  1. You can DEFINITELY do it! I say that we both stay focused right now and January hit it hard! (especially when you start GCF.) We should get back with livestrong regularly since it helped us so much and help each other stay motivated! I'm glad you are easing into this again so you don't feel DEAD when getting back into GCF but I can't wait to see you in there :) <3<3<3
