Thursday, December 6, 2012


Day four of "being serious"...  And, I am worn the eff out.  I am sleepy; I am sore; I am grouchy.  What's not to love?!

I will say that making myself be vigilant in tracking my calories again has proved to be a great tool in deterring some of my bad habits.  For example...  I got home from the gym last night and Michael had picked up Gatti's.  My not-working-out-self would have rejoiced, my normal-working-out-self would have been pissed, but last night I felt indifferent.  I knew it wasn't the best option, but I knew that I had "saved" enough calories that I could eat some and not blow all of my good work.  I had three small slices and some spaghetti - I was starving!  Honestly, I even thought about going back for another slice - wouldn't hurt, right?  But, the smarter side of me that had been tracking all day said, "Give it 20 minutes.  If you're still hungry, then you can have it."  And, guess what?  20 minutes later, I had forgotten about it.  I am having to learn about hungry vs. taste all over again.  Something similar happened this morning.  I overslept and did not have time to make my smoothie before running out the door.  I could have checked in with work and then ran to Starbucks or Subway to grab a bite, but then I remembered that I had Perfect 10 bagels and light cream cheese at work.  Perfect 10 bagels are not the greatest tasting (especially when you want a good bagel), but I made the taste sacrifice for the greater good of my waistline and pocketbook.

As I've said before, tracking has really worked for me in the past.  While I hate feeling like I'm a baby learning to walk again when I think I already know how, that's exactly where I am.  Yes, I have a lot of knowledge because I've been there before, but I've regressed on how to execute it in my life.  I am back at the beginning and I need to go back through the steps of what worked for me when I was starting out in 2008.

My goal is to be back at my fittest when we try to conceive again next year.  I have roughly 7-8 months to get there. :)

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