Friday, December 7, 2012

Day 5

I'm glad I've been powering through the aches and pains from the gym this week.  Today is the first time this week that I haven't felt like I was run over by a Mack truck.

I've been to the gym four days in a row this week.  That is WAY more than I've done in...well, I can't remember.  Let's see how it panned out:
Monday - 15 min stair climber, 30 min Butt Bible routine, 15 min stair climber
Tuesday - 45 min Spinning, 30 min arms
Wednesday - 45 min Zumba
Thursday - 45 min Spinning (would have done weights after, but had a birthday dinner to attend)

Today, I am hoping to leave work with enough time to do the same routine as Monday before Girls' Night Out!  Happy Friday!

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