Thursday, December 27, 2012


Today, I have a lot of thoughts and feeling running around in my head.  I am super excited, anxious, nervous...and sleepy. lol

After work, I am meeting Melody at Geaux Crossfit.  I am getting a punch card and some info on the Whole30 challenge.  I feel like I have been yo-yoing, and up until now I have not been completely sure of the problem.  But, I think I nailed it.  Back in 2008, when I first lost all my weight, I had Melody to fall back on as my accountability - regardless of the program.  Not that I haven't had better access to her, but we've been on different paths for the last couple of years - ever since I got pregnant.  During that time, she found Crossfit.  I was not up for trying something like that (brand new) while I was pregnant; and after having Ethan, I still felt like I should be back in some sort of decent shape to try it.  But, with Melody being there, I feel better about starting out.  I am ready to have some better accountability.  My plan is to incorporate two Crossfit classes per week with at least two days of cardio.  I even told Michael that on the days that I miss Spin class, I want to go for a solo run after we get Ethan down.  Now that Michael has weights and a bench, he can work out with the monitor next to him while I get my cardio in.

We are talking about a month - 30 days is not that long.  I am ready.

Honestly, more than anything... I am ready to be fit and trying to get pregnant again...

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