Friday, December 28, 2012

Back to work

I went back to crossfit yesterday.  It felt amazing - seriously.  One really cool thing (that I did not realize I missed)...there was a moment when I was doing shoulder presses and Johnny wanted one more rep...I was at my max, but he and Melody pushed me for that last one...and I did it.  I totally would not have done that standing in a gym working out by myself.  I forgot how awesome that motivation felt.

I plan to go again on Monday.  Whole30 starts on Wednesday, and I already have my first week and a half of meals and groceries printed and ready to go.  I am happy to have a support system already in place for this journey.  Here's to successful 30 days!!

Thursday, December 27, 2012


Today, I have a lot of thoughts and feeling running around in my head.  I am super excited, anxious, nervous...and sleepy. lol

After work, I am meeting Melody at Geaux Crossfit.  I am getting a punch card and some info on the Whole30 challenge.  I feel like I have been yo-yoing, and up until now I have not been completely sure of the problem.  But, I think I nailed it.  Back in 2008, when I first lost all my weight, I had Melody to fall back on as my accountability - regardless of the program.  Not that I haven't had better access to her, but we've been on different paths for the last couple of years - ever since I got pregnant.  During that time, she found Crossfit.  I was not up for trying something like that (brand new) while I was pregnant; and after having Ethan, I still felt like I should be back in some sort of decent shape to try it.  But, with Melody being there, I feel better about starting out.  I am ready to have some better accountability.  My plan is to incorporate two Crossfit classes per week with at least two days of cardio.  I even told Michael that on the days that I miss Spin class, I want to go for a solo run after we get Ethan down.  Now that Michael has weights and a bench, he can work out with the monitor next to him while I get my cardio in.

We are talking about a month - 30 days is not that long.  I am ready.

Honestly, more than anything... I am ready to be fit and trying to get pregnant again...

Monday, December 17, 2012

Happy, happy, happy

Last week was pretty blah and uneventful.  This week I am back to tracking and steady exercise.  It is definitely more difficult to maintain a healthy lifestyle during the holidays.  There is so much going on!

We did receive some exciting news last week... Michael has been promoted to Branch Manager!  He will start with his new branch in January.  This is very exciting for us, especially since we were not expecting it for another 5-6 months!  He is still in the BLA (Branch Leadership Academy) program and will continue with that until it ends in May.  He is one of eight people in Louisiana that was chosen for that program, and the only one who was asked to apply for a Branch Manager position early!  I am so very proud of him!!

With that being said, we are now definitely on the path to getting pregnant again this summer.  What does that mean for me right now?  A HUGE fire under my ass.  I have roughly 6-7 months to lose 30lbs.  That's 4-5 pounds per month, or about a pound a week.  That is completely doable!  Let's go!

Friday, December 7, 2012

Day 5

I'm glad I've been powering through the aches and pains from the gym this week.  Today is the first time this week that I haven't felt like I was run over by a Mack truck.

I've been to the gym four days in a row this week.  That is WAY more than I've done in...well, I can't remember.  Let's see how it panned out:
Monday - 15 min stair climber, 30 min Butt Bible routine, 15 min stair climber
Tuesday - 45 min Spinning, 30 min arms
Wednesday - 45 min Zumba
Thursday - 45 min Spinning (would have done weights after, but had a birthday dinner to attend)

Today, I am hoping to leave work with enough time to do the same routine as Monday before Girls' Night Out!  Happy Friday!

Thursday, December 6, 2012


Day four of "being serious"...  And, I am worn the eff out.  I am sleepy; I am sore; I am grouchy.  What's not to love?!

I will say that making myself be vigilant in tracking my calories again has proved to be a great tool in deterring some of my bad habits.  For example...  I got home from the gym last night and Michael had picked up Gatti's.  My not-working-out-self would have rejoiced, my normal-working-out-self would have been pissed, but last night I felt indifferent.  I knew it wasn't the best option, but I knew that I had "saved" enough calories that I could eat some and not blow all of my good work.  I had three small slices and some spaghetti - I was starving!  Honestly, I even thought about going back for another slice - wouldn't hurt, right?  But, the smarter side of me that had been tracking all day said, "Give it 20 minutes.  If you're still hungry, then you can have it."  And, guess what?  20 minutes later, I had forgotten about it.  I am having to learn about hungry vs. taste all over again.  Something similar happened this morning.  I overslept and did not have time to make my smoothie before running out the door.  I could have checked in with work and then ran to Starbucks or Subway to grab a bite, but then I remembered that I had Perfect 10 bagels and light cream cheese at work.  Perfect 10 bagels are not the greatest tasting (especially when you want a good bagel), but I made the taste sacrifice for the greater good of my waistline and pocketbook.

As I've said before, tracking has really worked for me in the past.  While I hate feeling like I'm a baby learning to walk again when I think I already know how, that's exactly where I am.  Yes, I have a lot of knowledge because I've been there before, but I've regressed on how to execute it in my life.  I am back at the beginning and I need to go back through the steps of what worked for me when I was starting out in 2008.

My goal is to be back at my fittest when we try to conceive again next year.  I have roughly 7-8 months to get there. :)

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

My eyes hurt.

And, that's for real.  One downside of working out is that I am way more exhausted the next morning.  Michael and I always try to spend some time together after Ethan goes down, but when I workout all I want to do is go to bed right behind Ethan!

Moving on...I have been shying away from supplements, but I have to rave about one I used last night.  I went to Smoothie King looking for Isopure (a no carb protein drink that I have used post-work in the past).  They didn't carry it, but recommended Redline as a pre-workout booster.  I picked up the "Princess" one and decided to give it a whirl.  WOW!  It was awesome!  My legs were dying in Spin because of my leg workout the previous day, and I had great bursts of energy to push through it.  After Spin, I decided to do an arm workout (bis-tris-shoulders).  I pushed myself out of my comfort zone and it felt amazing.  I will definitely be using this product more, especially on my slower days.

I'm also on day 3 of tracking on Livestrong.  This has worked really well for me in the past.  I know it's just a matter of making myself do it.  It's a pain, but it's also a great way for me to decide if I really need whatever I'm about to put into my mouth because I'll have to track it.

Tonight, I'm thinking that I will try out Zumba.  I don't want a rest day, but I also don't want to overwork anything.  Plus, I've never done it before, so what the hey! :)

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Getting excited

That's what I need - to be getting excited.  I used to be anxious and excited to hit the gym.  I'm ready for that point in this journey, and I feel like I am thisclose.

I am still completely disgusted when I look in the mirror, and especially when I see pictures of myself.

Last night, I had a great workout.  Towards the end, I was hitting that point where I had the desire to push myself.  Up to now, I have been hating the very thought of going to the gym.  Part of that is because of the way I look - a vicious cycle.  Last night, I finally started to push those thoughts to the back of my mind.  Instead of focusing on what others might think of my flabby ass, I focused on my mission.  I was there to work that flab off, and while I may not be there right now, continuing this process will get me there again.

Tonight, I am going to Spin, and possibly Body Pump.  Baby day at a time.