Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Well ain't that a bitch!

By the time I got to the gym, I totally forgot that the day was Mardi Gras.  I literally changed in the car while driving because I KNEW that I was going to be so late that I wouldn't get a spot in Spin class.  I run into the gym and ask if there is any room on the list.  I'll be damned!  There is!  Woo-hoo!  I walk in and there is only three people, including the instructor.  Hurmm....Ok?  The other girl in class says that she saw Ambrey (the instructor) yesterday and asked her to hold class today.  Ambrey mentions at the end of class that she didn't go to any parades this year.  *Ding!*  It's a holiday.  There are typically no classes on holidays.  Wow, did I get lucky or what?  I head over to the Body Pump room after juuuust to make sure.  Nope.  No Body Pump class.  So, I head home for some extra time with my two favorite men.

I still had a nice 450 calorie burn, so that made me happy.  Sure, I could have stayed and done some weights on my own, but I really did not want to.  I'm still making this routine a habit.  And, just getting to the gym some days is a victory.  I'll be starting Making the Cut in March (haven't decided if March 1st (on a Thursday) or the following Monday), and will still be running and Spinning in addition.  I am just starting to enjoy going to the gym again - and I sure as hell don't want to ruin it!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Bonus Points


So, I feel like I earned a few bonus points this week.  First, I ran with Ethan in the jogging stroller last night!  There were several hills, and pushing him was a HUGE difference from just running alone.  Michael brought him and we all ran together as a family. :)  Had Michael not come, I would have tried for the 3.3 mile run.  However, I feel like it worked out the way it should have for me.  I need to ease back into running.  I am starting to like it again, so I don't want to screw that up!

Then, today, I turned down an offer to go out for lunch.  It would have been to Whole Foods, which would have been just fine.  However, I am trying to save money on top of eating better.  I brought my lunch today, so there was no need to go out somewhere.  I hated to turn it down, but I felt good about it afterwards. :)

Baby steps!

Monday, February 20, 2012

Last Week : B+

I ended last week feeling pretty darn good.  My diet was pretty much on point with where I wanted it to be, minus a date night out with Daniel & Andrea (and even then, I got a small chicken and onion pizza on wheat with water).  I did not make it to the gym on Saturday morning - with the rain and tornado watches, I decided to snuggle with my little guy instead.  I was productive that afternoon - went grocery shopping at Winn Dixie & Walmart, and then cleaned a little in the house.

I ended up doing the 3.16 miles on Thursday with Claire.  It didn't kill me! lol  I had to stop and walk a few times because of cramping - which I expected.  And, I said no to the red beans & rice and king cake afterwards (but did indulge one beer).  Yay for progress!

Today is another run.  Michael is off, so he's going to meet me with Ethan.  You get about a 20% harder run when pushing a jogging stroller.  Today's beginner course is 1.5 miles.  Since Michael hasn't run in a while and I'll be pushing the jogging stroller for the first time, I'll probably do the 1.5 mile run instead of the 3.3 miler.

And, I'm excited to be down 3lbs from last week. :)

Thursday, February 16, 2012

You know what sucks?

Watching what you eat.  Literally.

I've been tracking my food again, and it really does make you hold yourself more accountable.  I have to think about whether or not I'm going to eat that piece of king cake because I have to track it.

Which sucks.

But, I guess it will be good for me in the long run.  I know that tracking works.

So, now that I've established the habit of making and bringing my lunch, it's time to amp it up a little.  I need to double my protein intake and cut my carbs in half.  This morning, I decided that I need to break out the Master Your Metabolism cookbook again.  It has some great recipes.  If I can incorporate those in, and continue to hit get in the exercise that I have been, then I think I'll start Making the Cut on March 1st.  I did one round of it in January 2009, and it really helped me blow through a plateau.  I haven't necessarily hit a plateau, but I feel like I need a great jumpstart.  By March 1st, I'll have been working out on a regular basis for 3 1/2 weeks.  I think that might be a good time to change it up a bit.

Oh, and I've started running again - sort of.  A co-worker/friend has been running with the Varsity Sports running club.  They started a new 6 week program on Monday, and I went with her.  I plan to continue going twice a week for the whole 6 weeks.  Tonight is the next run.  I could do the 1 mile beginner, or join Claire in the 3 miles.  I ran the whole mile on Monday, so I'm going to try the three miles tonight.  I have this love/hate relationship with running....

Hopefully, I will have a good report for Friday afternoon!

Friday, February 10, 2012

Going well : B-

This week has gone fairly well.  I stuck with my diet and hit the gym 3 straight days.  Then, yesterday, I got called into a last minute meeting and did not have enough time to get to the gym before Bunco.  It really pissed me off because I had planned to take Friday off of the gym and go back on Saturday between Ethan's pictures and the parade.  Now, I also have a presentation for a friend at 10:30am.  Then, today, my little brother wanted to go to lunch.  We did and it wasn't terrible.  I'm pretty sure I won't want much of anything tonight.  I never do when I have a big lunch.

Overall, I would give this week a B-.  I take off points for having to miss the gym last night, eating out today, and the possibility of not being able to squeeze in the gym tomorrow.  The good points were that I did make it to the gym three days straight, and this was my first week back in the swing.  I also plan to take Ethan for a run in the jogging stroller as soon as the rain clears up this weekend.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

I'm over it.

I'm over it.  I'm done.  DONE.

I'm ready to not be a fat mom anymore.

What is kind of funny about this is that 4 years ago (almost to the day), I made the same decision (minus the mom part).  I had given fitness a halfhearted shot in all of my previous attempts, and the same holds true now.  I've gone a day or two here and there eating well and/or going to the gym.  Then I jump on the scale every other morning or so and expect to see a difference.  Well, this past weekend, I finally had enough.

I want to fit back into ALL of my clothes again.  I don't want to have to buy new, bigger clothes.  Shit, I can't afford to now.

I want my confidence back.  I want to strut around town holding my son.  I want to be active with my son.  I don't want to look back at pictures from my "fitness" days and think that I might not get back to that.

I'm done with the excuses.  My new life as a mother is more reason for me to do this than anything else in this world.