Monday, February 22, 2010

She wore an itsy bitsy, teenie weenie....

You get the idea...

Last Thursday I purchased 3 months of tanning. I figured it was perfect timing with the summer approaching. Plus, what better way to keep my booty in gear than with the reward of bronzing my white ass after a solid workout? white, flabby ass. UGH! I really, really, really want to look better than ever before this summer. There is no reason for me not to.

Last Friday, I vented a little to Melody about pretty much everything in my last post. She made a suggestion that I hadn't really thought about. We've both educated ourselves with the basics of healthy eating - that's not the problem. However, we've started to lose sight of a calorie being a calorie. Even though extra virgin olive oil may have some awesome health benefits, that doesn't mean you don't need to watch the amount. Nuts fall into that same category. They might be healthy, but you still need to watch how much. I'm very guilty of grabbing a handful of almonds without a second thought. After thinking some more about this topic, and trying to be more aware of my habits this weekend, I decided to start tracking again. I had said I would at the beginning of the year, but fell out of it quickly. My mindset was not right. I'm almost finished reading Master Your Metabolism. I'm trying to wait until then to do my next big grocery run/kitchen make-over, but I may have to go before.

On a totally different note, there is nothing more relaxing than a clean bathroom. It makes my nights and mornings noticeably better. Not everyone might feel that way, but my bathroom is one of my favorite places. It's spacious and has a great tub. I did a major clean up and out last night, and it felt great. The only part of the bathroom that I didn't tackle yesterday was my closet. I think that tonight might be the time. If I can get that and the bedroom sifted through, I'll be happy for the week. lol Pretty much, if I haven't seen it or used it in the last year, it's headed to the garbage or Goodwill!

1 comment:

  1. i need to clean out my closet too! and my bedroom really. it always feels good to de-clutter. Even if it's areas that no one sees like under the bathroom sink.
    p.s.- i had to google your blog from work, one of your posts from may 09 came up so i commented on it. LOL. the funny thing is, i read the whole thing and posted and never realized the date until I re-read it.
