Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Run, Forrest, RUN!

So, the Half Marathon is 12 days away!! Melody and I have kicked our training into overdrive, and I am so happy with what we have accomplished in a short amount of time. Yesterday, we ran 10 miles total, and Friday we will have our last long run before the race (hopefully 12 miles at least). Both of us have put P90x on the back burner until after the race, and I was hesitant to do that at first. However, I realized that in order to train properly for the race, I could not let P90x get in the way. I'm happy that I at least got a solid taste of the program, so I will know just what to expect in March, April and May! :~P

I have been reading Master Your Metabolism, and taking notes on some great advice. I realize that Jillian is a little severe in the book, but if I can make a lot of little steps in the right direction, the impact on my body will definitely show; I think. Once I get finished, I am thinking about posting the most helpful tips and my goals on here. I am an average person, and I think that after maintaining a healthy lifestyle for over 2 years that I can pick out the more realistic parts of her program for other people.

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