Monday, July 27, 2009

Getting close!

The triathalon is this Saturday! I'm already uber nervous! I guess my biggest fear is doing poorly. I have no doubt I'll finish, but I don't want to finish last! lol! I have 3 days of training left, and then I pick up my registration packet Friday afternoon. I was reading an email they sent with reminders and tips, and they said that if we get rained out, there's no make-up day scheduled. Soooo, basically if Mother Nature literally rains on the race, I'm just screwed out of $70! Um, not cool. We have a 40% chance with scattered thunder storms for Saturday. I will be so pissed if it gets canceled!

Today has been pretty eventful. Melody took me shopping at Whole Foods so that I could restock my kitchen. I learned a lot and got a MUCH better feel for the store and what's available to me. I definitely feel like a smarter shopper now! :)

I'm about to head out to Tri training! Hopefully the rain brought that heat index down a tad! :)

1 comment:

  1. glad you feel like a smarter shopper! and glad you didn't get rained out of your triathalon! i'm so jealous that you got to experience that, i bet it's such a rush! I can't wait til I can participate in a group activity like that :)
