Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Triathalon Training Day 1 - COMPLETE

Yesterday was Day 1 of Triathalon Training. I wanted to die. I only thought I hated running. Oh no, it's worse than I ever imagined. Running can go to hell. I obviously did not understand triathalon training. Yesterday we did biking and then running, Wednesday we will run then swim, and Saturday we will bike then swim. Mondays suck. Good thing it's only three weeks!

I didn't get to the gym in time to do my NROLFW work-out, and it's probably better that I didn't. The training took everything out of me. I was thinking I would try to get up at 5:30am and go work-out this morning, but that didn't work. LOL! I have to go to New Orleans for a meeting tonight. I hope I get back in time to hit the gym, but it's very unlikely. So, I guess I will do my best to finish Stage 1 within this week and next, so that I can really focus on the triathalon in the third week of training.

Thursday, Jason is meeting me at LSU to give me his old car bike rack and to show me the trail I will be riding on the day of the race. I used my Academy b-day card to get bike shorts and a helmet last night. I need to find my old racing swimsuit from high school. I looked at some last night....and definitely forgot how expensive they are!! $75 for a one-piece racing suit! wtf. Is it lined with gold?!

I am getting excited, though. I know that it will feel great to cross that finish line. :)



So, I just went to register for the race, and it is freaking FULL! WTF?! 400 people have already signed up, and that's the max. >:( I emailed them to ask if someone drops out will they reopen the registration because I really want to do the race. Hopefully they will. I'm majorly bummed... :(



YAY!! The lady emailed me back and said they opened up 20 more spots! I am now registered!! WHEW! lol!

1 comment:

  1. you will do great! and you will love running someday :)
