Friday, July 20, 2012

And here is what motivates me.

I went to my first weigh-in today, and I am down 4.2 pounds!!  I am THRILLED!  I was concerned that my girls night on Wednesday was going to mess me up (and I'm sure it did a little), but I am very happy with that number!  This is what I need to keep me motivated - progress.  I lost several inches as well - mostly in my waist.

The diet does take some getting used to, but it's very doable.  This week was not easy, but it wasn't absolute torture either.  To keep things interesting, I am changing it up a little next week.  I'm going to hit the gym at least 3 times, and on those days I will allow myself one restricted item right before I go.  Michael and I have been taking Ethan on after-dinner walks that last between 45-75 minutes.  We did this four times this past week, and it was really nice.  I feel like they not only benefit our health, but it gives us some solid time to reconnect away from the distractions of technology.  Michael wholeheartedly agrees. :)

So, here we go on to week 2.  Next week, I have a going-away party for a co-worker.  I feel more confident about events like this now.  After seeing this progress, it motivates me more to not indulge so much.  My plan is to go and maybe enjoy ONE glass of wine, have a good time, and go home satisfied.

Yay for a successful week 1! :)

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