Friday, July 27, 2012

Another success!

Yes!  Another successful weigh-in!  I am down another 4lbs!  I am completely used to the diet now.  That is not saying that I don't get cravings or that I don't want to cave to pressure, but the progress I am seeing is what keeps me going.

I had to travel out of town for work, and was concerned that my old travel habits might creep back up.  I used to stop for a Diet Coke or Diet Dr. Pepper (and gas, if needed) before I got on the road.  If it was around lunch, I would just grab something quick.  I was HARD not to do that.  I did need gas towards the end on my way home, but I decided to just get some the next morning to keep the temptation away.  I am so glad that I broke through those cravings and bad habits!

I have also been back in the gym for Spin twice, and we still take our after-dinner walks every night.  I know those are helping.  My goal for the upcoming week is to make it back to the gym three, maybe even four times.  I have to pace myself, because I am low on carbs and this is a diet so I don't have quite as much energy as before.  Once I move into the final phases, I will be back in the game completely.

And, I was finally able to fit comfortably in a pair of jeans that have just been a little too tight.  That felt really good. :)

Friday, July 20, 2012

And here is what motivates me.

I went to my first weigh-in today, and I am down 4.2 pounds!!  I am THRILLED!  I was concerned that my girls night on Wednesday was going to mess me up (and I'm sure it did a little), but I am very happy with that number!  This is what I need to keep me motivated - progress.  I lost several inches as well - mostly in my waist.

The diet does take some getting used to, but it's very doable.  This week was not easy, but it wasn't absolute torture either.  To keep things interesting, I am changing it up a little next week.  I'm going to hit the gym at least 3 times, and on those days I will allow myself one restricted item right before I go.  Michael and I have been taking Ethan on after-dinner walks that last between 45-75 minutes.  We did this four times this past week, and it was really nice.  I feel like they not only benefit our health, but it gives us some solid time to reconnect away from the distractions of technology.  Michael wholeheartedly agrees. :)

So, here we go on to week 2.  Next week, I have a going-away party for a co-worker.  I feel more confident about events like this now.  After seeing this progress, it motivates me more to not indulge so much.  My plan is to go and maybe enjoy ONE glass of wine, have a good time, and go home satisfied.

Yay for a successful week 1! :)

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Sucky McSuckers

Sometimes, this diet really sucks.  But, I also felt the same way when I was first starting out in 2008.  I have to remember that I am essentially at the same place that I was.  I feel like it is more difficult now, because I remember how much it sucked.  I don't relish in the small victories as much as I did then.  I know that is wrong, and I should accept that small wins will get me to where I want to be.

I just don't know where I went wrong.  I LOVED being pregnant.  I felt absolutely beautiful pregnant.  I did not gain too much weight - I was in the 25-30lb window by the time I gave birth (which is spot-on for a healthy pregnancy).  I started off healthy, but did let the exercise start to slip at the end of the first trimester.  Maybe that is where I went wrong.  My weight gain was as steady as it should have been, and even in my final days, I didn't feel very bloated or swollen.  Uncomfortable, yes.  And, after I had Ethan, I started breastfeeding.  I breastfed until he was 11 months & 1 week old.  I did it until I just couldn't stand my body for another second, and needed to make a change.  Breastfeeding did not help me with ANY weight loss.  I know it's a Godsend for some, but I'm one of the lucky ones who did not get that benefit.  Now that I have been done for going on 2 weeks, I finally feel like I have control over my body again.  I can cut calories where I couldn't before.  But, I do not feel like I gave myself a license to overindulge...  Maybe I did.  I tracked my calories as often as I could remember, and always stayed under the 2000 mark, usually around 1800.  That is a healthy caloric intake for a breastfeeding mother.  I will say that I always felt hungry.  I tried to snack a little through the day to help, but I'll admit that it wasn't always the most healthy choices.  Peanut butter crackers were my weakness.  I don't know... Part of me wants to beat myself up, and the other part understands that my body went obviously went through some changes.  What worked before was not quite as efficient.

Regardless, I am finally making some progress.  This is my fourth day on Ideal Protein, and I feel like I am getting somewhere.  My hunger and cravings are starting to curb.  When I go back on Friday, I am going to swap out my unrestricted snack for a restricted one so that I can workout in the afternoons again (with energy).  I am learning how to eat again.  With the pregnancy, I allowed myself to indulge on occasion, and I'm not sure that mentality has left yet.  While I don't feel like I have been "so bad"....maybe I have.

Regardless, I am just happy to finally feel like something is working again. :)

Monday, July 16, 2012

Ideal (Protein)

It has been quite a long time since I have blogged here, but I feel that now is as good a time as any to start back up.  Technically, I have three blogs - this one, Ethan's and Melaleuca.  When I have time to blog (and a writing itch), I have to choose which one - usually my Melaleuca one wins.  However, I feel that it is important to get back to the other two.  I have missed documenting so much for Ethan's, and I feel like I would have been doing better on my fitness journey if I had been holding myself more accountable here.

So, here we are.  It's a new day, a new week, and I am more than ready to get my shit right again.  I want my IDEAL body - especially before we get pregnant again.

I started doing Ideal Protein over the weekend.  It is TOUGH, but I have actually been feeling better than ever in the mornings.  Ideal Protein has been around for 25 years, but only in the US for about three years.  It's a ketogenic, or carb-controlled program; but you must also watch your fat content (so, it's not like Atkins).  It is broken down into phases so that you can lose the weight and keep it off.  My younger brother, Byron started it a week ago.  I went with him to his initial consultation, and was very intimidated.  He was going back on Friday, so I decided to see how his first four days went and accompany him back to his 2nd consultation.  He did very well, and I was able to taste a couple of the products (we work together).  On Friday, I decided to take a shot at it.  I purchased a weeks worth of products, and started on Saturday.  I figured that if I could make it through the week (with so many temptations!), I could easily pass through the week.  The first 4-5 days are the hardest, because you are starting to tap into your stored carb reserves.  I made it through the weekend very well!  Even squeezed in two family walks. :)  One interesting thing is that you discouraged from weightlifting in the beginning.  By the second day, on our walk, I could tell why.  Until my body adjusts to the program, I don't plan to do anything more than walks (MAYBE an easy jog).  I figure I should be back to a better exercise routine next week.

As I mentioned, the strangest thing has been my morning energy.  Sunday, I was out of bed before Michael! That never happens! lol  This morning, I was up and fixing him breakfast before he left for work.  When I wake up, I'm ready for the day.  Before Ideal Protein, I would wake up groggy and usually fall back asleep at least once before getting up for the day.

I will try to update at least every other day during the week.  I think that will help me to continue to hold myself more accountable.