Monday, August 31, 2009

Funny and Interesting...

So, I was doing a little cleaning yesterday in the junk room, and came across a couple of books and guides that I had picked up for weight loss years ago. One of them was the "Slim in 6" program. I flipped through the 6 day express for jump-starting your diet and decided to try it out this week. This morning I was going through it a little more while eating breakfast and came across my "Before Stats" from when I bought the program in 2004. Around 5 years ago (documented 8/9/04), here were my stats:

Weight: 127 lbs
Chest: 35"
Waist: 28"
Hips: 40"
Mid-Thighs: 20" (each)
Upper Arm (flexed, peak of bicep): 11" (each)

Today, my measurements are (after lunch AND bloated since I'm about to start my period)..
Weight: 128 lbs
Chest: 35"
Waist: 26"
Hips: 39"
Mid-Thighs: 18.5" (each)
Upper Arm (flexed, peak of bicep): 10" (each)

I guess this is my affirmation that the scale is not always the best indicator of your success. While my weight is pretty much the exact same as it was 5 years ago, I am in much better shape and am definitely smaller than I was. However, because of my muscle gain, my weight isn't lower. I've been getting very frustrated with the scale, but this just proves that I need to have more patience and just continue working as I have been.

I think that aiming for high protein has been a nice kick for my diet, too. I can't maintain that, especially over the weekends, so it's nowhere near a long-term thing. But, trying to keep it through the week with my carby days being over the weekend, keeps my metabolism guessing; I think. Tomorrow is the 1st, and will make about 2 weeks I've been trying to do this. I plan to take some progress pics this weekend. Hopefully, I won't be disappointed! :)

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