Friday, August 28, 2009

Some days are harder than others...

I've been doing my best to maintain high protein, low fat and low carb. It's not always perfect, but I think I've gotten the hang of it. My lowest in the last week and a half was 126.4lbs. I am back up around 127-128, but I think some of that is the sodium from the soup & crackers Wednesday (I was sick), and so I've been trying to drink lots of water. I'm also going to start my period after this weekend, so that's probably not helping. :P

One thing, though, I can definitely see a difference in my body, even though the weight has pretty much stayed the same. So yay for that. I really wish the scale would go down though. lol

I plan on taking some progress pictures soon. I thought about this weekend, but I'm about to start. Maybe next weekend. It's just one of those weeks....blah.

One awesome thing - I received a notice in the mail from GNC. They're going to be doing "Buy 1 Get 1 50% off" for the first 10 days of September. PLUS, I will still get to use my 20% member card on top of that. I'm definitely going to stock up on my protein and vitamins! :)

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