Monday, July 27, 2009

Getting close!

The triathalon is this Saturday! I'm already uber nervous! I guess my biggest fear is doing poorly. I have no doubt I'll finish, but I don't want to finish last! lol! I have 3 days of training left, and then I pick up my registration packet Friday afternoon. I was reading an email they sent with reminders and tips, and they said that if we get rained out, there's no make-up day scheduled. Soooo, basically if Mother Nature literally rains on the race, I'm just screwed out of $70! Um, not cool. We have a 40% chance with scattered thunder storms for Saturday. I will be so pissed if it gets canceled!

Today has been pretty eventful. Melody took me shopping at Whole Foods so that I could restock my kitchen. I learned a lot and got a MUCH better feel for the store and what's available to me. I definitely feel like a smarter shopper now! :)

I'm about to head out to Tri training! Hopefully the rain brought that heat index down a tad! :)

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Triathalon Training Day 1 - COMPLETE

Yesterday was Day 1 of Triathalon Training. I wanted to die. I only thought I hated running. Oh no, it's worse than I ever imagined. Running can go to hell. I obviously did not understand triathalon training. Yesterday we did biking and then running, Wednesday we will run then swim, and Saturday we will bike then swim. Mondays suck. Good thing it's only three weeks!

I didn't get to the gym in time to do my NROLFW work-out, and it's probably better that I didn't. The training took everything out of me. I was thinking I would try to get up at 5:30am and go work-out this morning, but that didn't work. LOL! I have to go to New Orleans for a meeting tonight. I hope I get back in time to hit the gym, but it's very unlikely. So, I guess I will do my best to finish Stage 1 within this week and next, so that I can really focus on the triathalon in the third week of training.

Thursday, Jason is meeting me at LSU to give me his old car bike rack and to show me the trail I will be riding on the day of the race. I used my Academy b-day card to get bike shorts and a helmet last night. I need to find my old racing swimsuit from high school. I looked at some last night....and definitely forgot how expensive they are!! $75 for a one-piece racing suit! wtf. Is it lined with gold?!

I am getting excited, though. I know that it will feel great to cross that finish line. :)



So, I just went to register for the race, and it is freaking FULL! WTF?! 400 people have already signed up, and that's the max. >:( I emailed them to ask if someone drops out will they reopen the registration because I really want to do the race. Hopefully they will. I'm majorly bummed... :(



YAY!! The lady emailed me back and said they opened up 20 more spots! I am now registered!! WHEW! lol!

Friday, July 10, 2009


Last night Michael and I had a playdate for Koopa with Michelle and Jeremy's new dog, Major Moogie. He's a great dane, and less than a year old. They were a little weary of each other at first, but Moogie used to be around small dogs all the time before Jeremy and Michelle adopted him - so it didn't take long. It was kind of like watching Koopa play with Beau all over again. Moogie would put his head down and let Koopa jump on top of him and they'd wrestle around. It was really cute and sweet. I got some pics of it that I will post soon.

Michelle said she would cook dinner, so I figured that I would keep my calories low during the day since I wasn't sure of what she was going to fix. She called and left a message saying something about maybe tacos, or even Hungry-Girl tacos. Still, I remained tame through the day. I did, however, have an intense work-out! I did my NROLFW routine, and then jumped on the eliptical for some HIIT. Then, as I'm walking out the door, Ashley stops me and convinces me to go to her Spin class. I was like, "You can't yell at me! I just worked legs AND did HIIT, so this is like suicide!" lol She still yelled at me. :P

So, anyway... We get to Jeremy and Michelle's, and she is whipping up this insanely good recipe! It was the Philly Cheesesteak Lettuce Cups from the new Hungry-Girl cookbook. Yum! But to make it more filling, she put the recipe in low carb tortillas. OMG. It made my day! Since I had kept my calories so low and had a crazy work-out, I went ahead and had some wine. :) I probably would've had the wine anyway, but it didn't feel as guilty! lol!

It just makes me so happy when my girlfriends are asking for my advice and using the same EASY methods I did to get back in shape. I loaned my original Hungry-Girl cookbook to Leah, and I hope she's using those recipes too. The one Michelle used was out of the 200 Under 200 recipe book. I need to get that one. I was flipping through, and there are a ton of easy recipes I could do for lunch or a light dinner.

The whole night just made me smile. :)

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Almost finished with Stage 1

I only have 7 more work-outs (less than 2 weeks) before I have finished Stage 1 of NROLFW. The biggest change I've seen so far from this stage is in my legs. I definitely have more definition and strength there now. It's not a big change, but I realized pretty early on that this particular stage is more of a "set-up for success" for the rest of the program. The exercises are pretty basic and I have found it easy to go up in weight at almost every session. Yesterday was a toughy though - I definitely pushed myself.

Starting next week, I will be incorporating Triathalon training/boot camp with this program. The training will only last 3 weeks, and will end with an actual Triathalon on August 1st. I've been very excited, and then I started reading more info on the site yesterday... I'm still excited, but more nervous about screwing up now! lol It's very easy to get disqualified if you're not completely aware of yourself the entire time. I zone out a lot when I'm on my bike, so I am really hoping that this training will help my concentration! :) This event is going to determine if I start getting into competitive training. I have a lot of things I want to do as far as my health and fitness is concerned, and I feel like I would enjoy it even more if I had competitions and goals to hit along the way.

Michael has made it very clear that he's ready to start trying to have a baby. That makes me very excited, of course. However...I am going to sound selfish here...I just don't think I'm ready to sacrifice my body for that yet. Michael thinks that as long as I continue to be healthy through the pregnancy and not lose my zeal, that I will lose the baby weight in no time. I, on the other hand, also see the other sacrifices my body would have to make - STRETCH MARKS! I have enough as it is, and I have seen other people's and how deep and dark they are. I'm just not ready! I know that once I do get pregnant and have that baby, that everything will have been worth it. However, I am sitting on the other side right now, so it's not worth it! :P

The thing is, I have more that I want to do before a baby comes along. I think next summer would be a good time for us to think about it again. I want to go to Disney World (since Michael hasn't gone yet), and visit Europe before a baby comes. I wouldn't mind being in the early stages of pregnancy in Europe, but I don't want to be full-blown, big, fat pregnant. Of course, if I get pregnant at anytime, I will welcome it. I just don't want to plan it right now, and I will continue to take precautions in the meantime. Michael and I had agreed way back at a certain amount we would need to bring home together before we started a family. We're about 15k/year away from that goal. Our goal was a little steep anyway, so I guess that's why Michael feels we're more than ready. lol I just think that if we have another year from now before that 9 month countdown starts, that when the little bumkin gets here we'll be at our goal and everything would be awesome. :) Of course, nothing ever works out perfectly like you imagine (or so they say)...