Thursday, January 17, 2013

I cannot win.

The past 24 hours have been brutal - more so emotionally.  Brutal might be exaggerating...maybe obnoxious is a better description.

I'm over halfway through my Whole30 challenge, and it has been pretty awesome.  I definitely miss bread, and I definitely miss sweets.  And, chips...and splenda and coffee creamer.  Okay, I  miss everything!  But, I feel better all around.  My taste has started changing, which is what happened before when I lost all of my weight.  That tells me that I'm going in the right direction.

Back to the obnoxious stuff.

Yesterday started off annoying - I had to move offices for a second time.  This makes three different offices that I have "lived in" here, and two different buildings.  I moved into a smaller space and had to figure out how to ghetto-rig two desks so that I had the space I needed.  The guys who were helping us that were moving told me that it's a good thing I am small because a normal sized person wouldn't be able to work in my "new" office.  Lovely.  Thanks for that.  And, I know that I will be moving again in the next year because we acquired the building next door.  Everyone will be rearranged when that lease is up.  What is the most annoying about it all is that the person who wanted my job was reveling in it.  They were being extra "cheery" and "helpful".

Then, I had to miss my Crossfit workout after work because I was playing catch-up from being occupied with moving all morning.  Dad needed us to get Ethan early because he had a dinner with friends, and Michael couldn't leave in time.  No problem...I would've run, but the weather was freezing and wet.  The last thing I was going to do was get myself sick two days before my beach trip.

Then, this morning...  Oh, the fun!  My coffee exploded.  And, did I mention that our kitchen light is out?  So, I don't even know if I cleaned everything up.  ANNOYING.  So, here I am at work.  I grabbed a cup of regular coffee and decided to just go ahead and mix a couple of creamers and packets of splenda.  Well, remember how I said my tastes have started to change?  The pumpkin spice creamer tastes like shit now.  UGH!  I cannot win today.

But, I got the best hugs and kisses from the cutest little boy and the most handsome man today.  Michael and Ethan definitely make everything better. <3 p="p">

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