Thursday, March 1, 2012

Last week : B+

Today, I realized that I forgot to grade last week!

Overall, it was a great week.  I worked out 5 of the 7 days (my goal), and ate very well.  This week, I realized that my body is starting to freak out a little bit.  Like, I've lost weight, but my body is trying to figure out if this is a lifestyle change or a temporary thing.  Hopefully after this week, my body will ramp up into losing since these habits are going to stick around. :)  I did go out for lunch with co-workers once, and then we had a date night with Clif & Melody for crawfish on Saturday.  I've decided that I will only give myself an "A" if I avoid eating out for that week.

I've decided that (just like last time I lost weight), that Sunday will be my no tracking/cheat day.  I do not have any control over what our parents cook while we visit, so I will try to watch my portions.  It worked out wonderfully last time around.

So far, this week has been great!  Ran on Monday, Spin & Body Pump on Tuesday, Spin on Wednesday, and I'll be running again tonight.

Bonus Points: I've been able to run with Ethan in the jogging stroller every time since the second week.  Woohoo!

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