Monday, March 5, 2012


I know that I will probably look back at this post and think about how dumb I was, but I need to vent out some frustration.

So, I've been working out hardcore again for three weeks now.  This is what my schedule looks like:
Mondays - Running club
Tuesdays - Spin & Body Pump
Wednesdays - Spin
Thursdays - Running club
Friday - rest
Saturday - Body Pump & Spin
Sunday - rest

As of this morning, I am up 2 pounds.  WTF?  I realize that I should not be a slave to the scale.  This is a lifestyle, not a quick fix.  I could say that those 2lbs were maybe some bloat from lunch and dinner with the family, or maybe I'm building muscle, or maybe I'm not eating enough, or maybe something else.  Whatever.  I don't want to assume things going on in my body.  I am tracking what I eat, making better choices, working out consistently (and with my heartrate monitor so that I can track my calories burned), and I feel like I am failing - which I know is not true.  How do I know?  My clothes are fitting differently.  The jeans I bought less than 2 weeks ago are baggy on me.  So, why am I not happy?  I'm happier when I look in the mirror than I was three weeks ago.  But, then I get upset when I get on the scale.  It makes me want to do things that I know are bad - like diet pills.  I guess that's been another good thing about breastfeeding - I absolutely cannot do anything like that while I am still nursing Ethan.

I know better, too.

I'm just going to keep plugging away...

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