Monday, September 13, 2010

Today...I just want to bitch.

I don't even care if anyone listens!

Today has been shot to shit. SHOT TO SHIT. The only thing that will make it worse is when I pick up my car from the brake shop this afternoon. I'm sure I will want to shoot a kitten.

First, I had nightmares about Disney last night. I guess not true nightmares that most would imagine, but definitely WTF dreams. Then, I have my retainer fix appointment for 12:30p. I go to leave and as I'm pulling out of work, my phone rings. Apparently my appointment was at 12:15p (despite what my card says) and now they can't see me until next week because the doc has a 1p meeting. Oh, but if it's bothering me then I can come in for a quick fix. I am not paying you to cover it with some wax. I hate my orthodontist. He's a pig who only employs cute, young girls and then talks to them like they're worthless. I had forgotten most of it until the first time I had a loose spot on my retainer about 3 months ago. He's still the same asshole. DId I mention that I scheduled this appointment when one spot on my retainer broke A MONTH AGO!

So, now, I'm trying to get a hold of my dear hubby so that he can bring me back to work after I drop my car off at the break shop. I think my break pads are going out. Lovely.

Oh, and one of the small diamonds on my wedding band fell out. I hope it's in the ring holder at home. At least that should be an inexpensive fix - not enough to claim with the insurance.


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