Friday, September 17, 2010

Staying calm.

So, the week from Hell has finally hit the end of the road. Things had to get worse before they got better, but I won't go into that.

Wednesday and Thursday found me back at the gym and back in the swing of things. I think I lost about 5 lbs in sweat between the 2 days! I feel lighter in my body and soul.

Disney is exactly a week away!! In one week I will be wrapping up last minute work details and setting my "Out of the Office" auto-replies. I am so excited! This has been such a long time coming, and we've been planning and preparing for over 6 months. Everything (so far!) has fallen into place better than we could have ever thought. It won't be the most *relaxing* vacation we've ever had, but it will definitely be the most fun! We have a day at the beach on our way back and then two days at home before having to get back in the swing of work. I can't wait!

I feel the need to update my 15lbs in 45 days goal. :-P That was a ridiculously high goal, but I have lost about 5 lbs so far. If I can lose another 2 or 3 in the next 7 days, I will be thrilled! lol I am resting today, but plan to be back in the gym in the morning. I've been on a roll, so hopefully I will keep it up! :)

Monday, September 13, 2010

Today...I just want to bitch.

I don't even care if anyone listens!

Today has been shot to shit. SHOT TO SHIT. The only thing that will make it worse is when I pick up my car from the brake shop this afternoon. I'm sure I will want to shoot a kitten.

First, I had nightmares about Disney last night. I guess not true nightmares that most would imagine, but definitely WTF dreams. Then, I have my retainer fix appointment for 12:30p. I go to leave and as I'm pulling out of work, my phone rings. Apparently my appointment was at 12:15p (despite what my card says) and now they can't see me until next week because the doc has a 1p meeting. Oh, but if it's bothering me then I can come in for a quick fix. I am not paying you to cover it with some wax. I hate my orthodontist. He's a pig who only employs cute, young girls and then talks to them like they're worthless. I had forgotten most of it until the first time I had a loose spot on my retainer about 3 months ago. He's still the same asshole. DId I mention that I scheduled this appointment when one spot on my retainer broke A MONTH AGO!

So, now, I'm trying to get a hold of my dear hubby so that he can bring me back to work after I drop my car off at the break shop. I think my break pads are going out. Lovely.

Oh, and one of the small diamonds on my wedding band fell out. I hope it's in the ring holder at home. At least that should be an inexpensive fix - not enough to claim with the insurance.


Friday, September 3, 2010


So, today I am completing "Day 5" of MTC. I have also started incorporating Pauline Nordin's Butt Bible routines, as well as various cardio work-outs (Spin, stair step, etc). I can definitely feel myself getting back into the groove of things like I used to be (before the Census).

I did receive a little bit of motivation yesterday, too. I was looking back through some old pictures from when I doing New Rules of Lifting for Women last year. At the time, I was frustrated about the lack of movement on the scale. That was also why I stopped the program - I felt like if I wasn't losing pounds then it wasn't worth it. However, looking back, the pictures say it all. I was in the best shape I have ever been at that time. I had definition and I was getting tiny! Why was I such an idiot? Because I was dealing with my girly obsession of the scale. I was obsessed with a number (and will admit that I still am), and lost track of the transformation my body was taking right in front of me! I can't let myself do that again. I know that once I am done with MTC and get back from Disney that I need to start NROLFW again. I will be more aware of keeping my cardio up, but if the scale does not drop I can't get mad. The muscle that I was building made my body look awesome, but it cost me on the weight front.

Seriously. The picture of my lower half at the top of this blog was from after the 2nd stage of New Rules. Ummm...Hello! (<--- to myself). Why was I upset at that?!