Thursday, April 22, 2010

Here's the dealio...

I am worn out, and it's only the beginning. I have 6 or 7 weeks left of this! :( I haven't been eating right or even tracking regularly for over a week now. And, even though my physical activity has been mild, I feel like I am running on empty.

Let's just say work might become the death of me! lol

Today, I am getting myself organized. Here is what I want to accomplish:

- Get my office into some sort of organized chaos (eval process starts next month - eek!)
- Write out my exercise plan for the next 2 1/2 weeks (I have to be out of the office and working nights on more than one occasion)
- Prepare a menu plan to stick to that will work with my crazy work schedule (I might have to look to some processed "diet" food for the time being just to keep my calories on point during this crazy time)

If I can get those three things accomplished, I won't feel so overwhelmed anymore. I mean, I will still feel overwhelmed, but it won't be quite as bad. ;) Just for an example, I came in on Tuesday and ended up finding out that I had to go do training in Lafayette that afternoon/night. It was a misunderstanding, and I just sucked it up. It's the little things like that I am worried about throwing off my best planning.

I just keep telling myself that everything will be ok. :)

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