Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Feeling pretty good.

Despite the obvious Easter candy setbacks, I have been doing pretty well. :) Last week was rough with work, so I didn't get in as many workouts as I would have liked. However, I am not letting any of those things derail me.

I think I am about to start my period soon. I have been irritable and exhausted regardless of how much sleep I get. Yesterday, I came home and took a 2-3 hour nap. I ate dinner, did P90x Arms & Shoulders, showered and went to bed by midnight. I also took a Melatonin, which may have been the problem. When my alarm went off at 7am, I turned it off accidentally and didn't get up until Michael was walking out the door. All in all, I had about 9 hours at least. But, I'm STILL dragging ass! It's right about time for Aunt Flo, so it makes sense. I guess I should get back on my birth control to see if it will help. I've been off for about 2 months or so. It hasn't necessarily been on purpose; I'm just absentminded sometimes.

Tonight, I am going to do chest & back with Melody. I really need to get some good cardio in, too. This Sunday is the Strawberry Strut 10k. We may also be doing a 5k the night before. So, I would like to get at least two runs in this week - maybe a 2/3 miler and a 4/5 miler. If I do the treadmill tonight, I would like to do a road run on Thursday.

So, I have decided that I want to plan a Bikini Day. This will be the day that I find my new summer suit (or at least start the hunt!). I want to use this as a mini goal/deadline. I haven't decided on the day, but I am looking at April 30th, May 7th and May 14th (at the latest). April 30th would give me a little over three weeks, and May 7th is right at a month. I want to check with Melody, but I think May 7th will be the day. Part of my goal is to post a pic of me in my new bikini to show my progress. The whole point of this is to get myself on the very brink of where I want to be, so that I can use the last 2-3 weeks before my birthday to chisel at the problem areas. I want to be in the low 120s by my birthday. More importantly, I want my body fat to be under 20% by then.

I know I can do it.

1 comment:

  1. low 120's by your bday? be careful, i don't want you starving yourself. I'm looking forward to our bikini day and the beach :)
