Tuesday, May 5, 2009

It's kind of funny how people view exercise sometimes..

Yesterday and today had me thinking about how I used to view diet and exercise. Actually, what really sparked my thoughts was an infomercial. (I have a sick addiction to them. lol) I took a nap and ended up being wide awake at midnight. I decided to let the TV play in the background while I read NROLFW. Of course, I paused a few times as ads for the Jack LaLanne Power Juicer (does that thing really work, and is juicing really all that great for you??) and other random scams passed by. Then one of them came on that was really cheesy. I forget the name of the program, but the guy on it was claiming that you could get the perfect body from his system. I started thinking back when I ordered the "Slim in 6" program and Windsor Pilates. Back then 5 or 6 weeks was WAAAY too long for me to be stuck in a program to get in shape. That was just ridiculous to me. LOL! My how things have changed.

I am currently doing a Boot Camp program at the gym that lasts for 5 weeks. It may go on longer (the poster she has for our point standings goes into June), but definitely through the end of May. I'm actually going to miss several sessions because of the cruise for my cousin's bachelorette party, but I plan to make those up. I wish this session was going to last for 8 weeks, but Beth is pregnant and this is the last Boot Camp for the year so that she can take off for the baby. It's funny to think of the way I used to view the length of time I was willing to give to get into shape. Seriously, a week or 2 MAX. People who already take care of themselves and are athletic don't even do that.

Once I get back from the cruise and Boot Camp is over, I am going to start doing NROLFW. That is a six month program - the longest I will have ever done. I'm excited to start it, and very nervous as well. I am trying to get over the fad ideas that have been ingrained in me from health magazines and media hype, and reteach myself more realistic goals according to this book. He makes a lot of great points, but it's so different from what I've seen and heard everywhere else. This is a long-term program, and that's exactly what I need. Most of what you see and hear regarding diet and exercise revolves around a short-term goal - nothing you would stick with forever. Granted, I may move on to other plans after this one; it all depends on how well it works for me and my lifestyle.

Anyway, I just wanted to share the funny little thoughts I had from watching infomercials the other night. It's crazy to think that there are many people out there who think the way I used to. Hopefully they will come to the same conclusions I did about health and fitness instead of continuing to view them as a short-term fix for their long-term problems.

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