Wednesday, May 13, 2009

I think it was the Taaka that faakad me...

It seems that lately I've had way too many opportunities for sabotage. I've been hanging out with girls from work a lot, and then trying to have a weekly Kona happy hour trip with my other girl friends. I'm not going to back out of a good time with friends, but I do need to be a little more careful about my food and beverage choices, I guess.

Last night was ridiculously fun! One of the girls I work with lives in the same neighborhood as me. I get a text from another girl who used to work at LAH saying to come down the street for martinis. So, I head over on my bike. A couple of hours of good fun later, it's time to go home. Alisha gets this brilliant idea to try to shove my bike in her backseat. Her boyfriend says hell no, and pulls it out. Then we decide we're going to ride my bike together back to my house since she wants to make sure I get home ok (we're both hammered!). So, picture this - 2 short, small drunk girls riding down the street screaming on a bike made for one person. It was HILARIOUS! At least to us, it was! lol! We get to my house, pile into my car, and Michael drives her back to her house. There are lots of fun details in between, but I can't even remember them all - just that it was a good time! :) Going back and looking at the few pics that I took made it even better. lol

1 comment:

  1. awww sounds like fun! and i know what you mean about making better choices. Yesterday clif and i went to kona, I had the chicken satay PLAIN no salt (clif split with me) and i also split plain no salt steamed edamame with him. He got a couple rolls and I only had 2 pieces so i felt really good about that. We can make good choices even at Kona, we just have to use discipline :)
