Thursday, April 22, 2010

Here's the dealio...

I am worn out, and it's only the beginning. I have 6 or 7 weeks left of this! :( I haven't been eating right or even tracking regularly for over a week now. And, even though my physical activity has been mild, I feel like I am running on empty.

Let's just say work might become the death of me! lol

Today, I am getting myself organized. Here is what I want to accomplish:

- Get my office into some sort of organized chaos (eval process starts next month - eek!)
- Write out my exercise plan for the next 2 1/2 weeks (I have to be out of the office and working nights on more than one occasion)
- Prepare a menu plan to stick to that will work with my crazy work schedule (I might have to look to some processed "diet" food for the time being just to keep my calories on point during this crazy time)

If I can get those three things accomplished, I won't feel so overwhelmed anymore. I mean, I will still feel overwhelmed, but it won't be quite as bad. ;) Just for an example, I came in on Tuesday and ended up finding out that I had to go do training in Lafayette that afternoon/night. It was a misunderstanding, and I just sucked it up. It's the little things like that I am worried about throwing off my best planning.

I just keep telling myself that everything will be ok. :)

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Feeling pretty good.

Despite the obvious Easter candy setbacks, I have been doing pretty well. :) Last week was rough with work, so I didn't get in as many workouts as I would have liked. However, I am not letting any of those things derail me.

I think I am about to start my period soon. I have been irritable and exhausted regardless of how much sleep I get. Yesterday, I came home and took a 2-3 hour nap. I ate dinner, did P90x Arms & Shoulders, showered and went to bed by midnight. I also took a Melatonin, which may have been the problem. When my alarm went off at 7am, I turned it off accidentally and didn't get up until Michael was walking out the door. All in all, I had about 9 hours at least. But, I'm STILL dragging ass! It's right about time for Aunt Flo, so it makes sense. I guess I should get back on my birth control to see if it will help. I've been off for about 2 months or so. It hasn't necessarily been on purpose; I'm just absentminded sometimes.

Tonight, I am going to do chest & back with Melody. I really need to get some good cardio in, too. This Sunday is the Strawberry Strut 10k. We may also be doing a 5k the night before. So, I would like to get at least two runs in this week - maybe a 2/3 miler and a 4/5 miler. If I do the treadmill tonight, I would like to do a road run on Thursday.

So, I have decided that I want to plan a Bikini Day. This will be the day that I find my new summer suit (or at least start the hunt!). I want to use this as a mini goal/deadline. I haven't decided on the day, but I am looking at April 30th, May 7th and May 14th (at the latest). April 30th would give me a little over three weeks, and May 7th is right at a month. I want to check with Melody, but I think May 7th will be the day. Part of my goal is to post a pic of me in my new bikini to show my progress. The whole point of this is to get myself on the very brink of where I want to be, so that I can use the last 2-3 weeks before my birthday to chisel at the problem areas. I want to be in the low 120s by my birthday. More importantly, I want my body fat to be under 20% by then.

I know I can do it.