Tuesday, June 30, 2009

I've come too far...

...to let some petty bullshit pull me down.

Why is it a crime to be successful? Why do some people feel the need to bring you down all the time? I feel like I give and give of myself, only to be belittled by people I call "friends". I do realize that I have been very fortunate in my career field. I was given a chance when the company had no real basis to go on with me. However, it has been the greatest experience of my life, and I thank God everyday for the opportunity to continue to grow in my professional life. Granted, I don't know the specifics as to why I was given this chance, but don't you think that if I had not been living up to or surpassing my boss's expectations of me that I would be gone already? I have been in this position for over two years now. That's plenty long enough to have been let go if they weren't seeing what they expected out of me.

I had to go through all of the bitterness from other employees when I was promoted, and I dealt with it in the best way possible - by just doing my job. I was asked to interview for the position, so obviously there was something that they saw in me and my work ethic up to that point. However, if you came into this company after me, then you have absolutely no basis to be bitter with me or hold anything against me. My job is important and I take pride in it.

I had a nice, long talk with Michael last night about some feelings I have been going through. He opened my eyes to a lot things that I either didn't see or just didn't want to see. I am at a completely different stage in life than some of my friends. That's not wrong, it's just different. Because of this, there is a wall between us. How we deal with that wall is what makes the difference. I can put my professional life aside and have a good time with people, regardless of where they stand professionally or otherwise. However, I am starting to see that others cannot. I am friends with people that I feel are way beyond me, and it does not bother me. Some people are more ambitious, or they were just in the right place at the right time. Why would I be upset that they are successful? Almost all of my friends are in a better financial situation than me because of what their family left them, their parents or their significant other and their family. I don't hate them for that. So, why do those same people treat me so cruelly when I have made my own way? Is it jealousy? To me, that seems so juvenile that I don't even want to consider it.

I'm just tired and upset... I want people in my life who appreciate the things I have done for them, and who will not bring me down because of their own shortcomings.

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