Tuesday, March 5, 2013


AGH!  After two solid months of eating better and working out religiously, I hit a wall.  My body is changing, but I am not seeing any weight loss.  Yes, yes, I know.  Throw the scale out the window.  Sorry, at my height, there is SUPPOSED to be some weight loss.  And, I need to see it.

So, I sat down and re-evaluated everything AGAIN.  A calorie is a calorie, right?  My calories are 70-80% super heathly.  Burn more calories than you eat.  Check.  So, where am I going wrong?  Well, I remembered when I was doing Ideal Protein and losing weight at record speeds.  Put two and two together...  My diet requires a high protein intake (while still cutting the overall amount of calories) in order for me to see weight loss.

Basically, I need to drink two protein shakes a day - one for breakfast and one post-workout.  And, of course, still being smart about my lunch and dinner choices.

I can't wait to lose the weight so that I can go back to maintaining and not drinking my meals...

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