Wednesday, November 30, 2011

The above photo depresses me..

Because I feel like I will never get back to that point.  But, I know that is not true!  It just seems like that right now.

SO, I'm back!  My sweet little Ethan will turn 4 months tomorrow, and I have started dipping my toes back into the diet/exercise waters.  As much as it sucks, I know that I need to make little changes and build back.  I have to fight the tendency to think that I can just go back full blast.  I know that I cannot.  I have a baby now, and I have to re-learn how to incorporate healthy habits while balancing my job and role as Mommy.

My goals this week:
- Drink more water.  I bought a 64oz refillable jug and aim to drink two full containers by the end of the day.  So far, so good this week!
- Get back in the gym three times.  I made it Monday, took yesterday off (was exhausted from having company over Monday night), and will be back this afternoon.
- Bring my (healthy) lunch and eat it.  Monday went perfectly.  Yesterday, I had a work lunch meeting, and ended up with a (YUMMY) steak.  Part of this goal is to not waste my money, so half of that was met! lol  Today, so far so good.

If I can get through this week and next, then I will add to these goals.  I have to start somewhere, and I sure as hell don't want to start Cross Fit in January without having been doing at least something every week.