Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Steps backwards...

I've had a rough week or so now as far as my diet is concerned. Honestly, I could have planned better and made better choices. Most of it has been from work - drug reps bringing lunch, or I forget mine and have to find something on the fly, etc. etc... I had decided to get back on track this week, and have done really well at work from breakfast to lunch...but now, it's when I get home there's a problem. lol Monday I cooked spaghetti, and that wasn't horrible, but I could've cooked something healthier to get myself going again. Then yesterday, I had to turn my rental car in and go pick mine up from the shop. I coordinated with Michael, and when he picked me up, he announced that he was taking me to Texas de Brazil. It was a nice treat (REALLY nice), but not so nice for my diet. I definitely did well for what was available. I had some romaine lettuce with a fresh dressing (really just looked like fresh pico) and steamed asparagus before the meat started to come around. I also had about 1/2 a cup of this AMAZING lobster bisque!!! It was the best soup I have EVER tasted! Then with the meats, I had all steaks, and only the lean parts - nothing wrapped in bacon or anything like that. However, Michael did want some dessert, so I had a few bites of his bananas foster cake. Delish, but definitely a treat I won't be having again soon! lol

I wanted to blame my bad week on PMS, but I have come to far to just toss the blame. I need to make conscious decisions with my diet. It's very easy to get back into bad habits and think, "Oh, this one thing won't hurt." But, it's those one times that turn into many times, and before you know it, you're up 15lbs. I WILL NOT DO THAT!

I pulled out tuna steaks to thaw for tonight, and I'll have some fresh veggies to steam. I will stay on track! :)

Friday, September 11, 2009


I love fruit. I love to smell it, buy it, prepare it... The fruit stand is one of my favorite places. However, I have a problem. I love it eat it, but feel guilty when I do. How much sense does that make?! I know in my mind that it's because of the carbs and high sugar content (even though they're natural). Melody gave me this book that details out all of the benefits of different foods, including fruit. I've been pouring over the fruit section trying to break my phobia. I even had it on me to research with while I was at the fruit stand this past weekend to make sure that every fruit I picked up had enough benefits to make it worth the carb count! And, I have made a conscious effort to eat fruit every day this week. I've been having a gala apple in the morning with my normal high-protein breakfast. With lunch I have a small, fresh fruit salad, which consists of pineapple, mango and kiwi. After my workouts, I've had either a gala apple or a nectarine with my Isopure. I have done my best not to think about it. But, when I go to track and see the high carbs, I freak out.

The crazy thing is, my weight hasn't fluctuated at all this week - which I would have taken as a bad sign and blamed the fruit. I actually went down .2 lbs. I guess that isn't much, but every little bit counts since I don't have much more that I want to lose. I have had not one sign to say that I need to cut back on my fruit, but I'm still weird about it. Ugh... I guess I'm just special! lol