Thursday, June 10, 2010

Damn you 133! Why won't you die?

I guess I really shouldn't complain... I can't remember the last time I saw the gym, but I haven't gained any weight. That is probably a result of my loss of appetite. :-/

So, the Census is almost over (I think). I'm so ready for a break. I need to get back to my normal schedule. It's almost like having an out-of-body experience with the way things are right now. I get up, go to my Census meeting, go to work, go to my other Census meeting at lunch, go back to work, go home, cook dinner, work on Census binders/EQs, spend a few minutes with Michael, go to bed. That has been life during the week for the most part since the end of April. The weekends haven't been much better, but they have allowed for spending some time with family and friends. I think I'd have gone absolutely insane without at least that. Now, the extra money has been fantastic; I won't lie. We've almost paid Disney off, paid off a credit card, and still have a really nice cushion in the bank. Plus, we're redoing our living room floor this month. As soon as our friend (who did flooring as a job once) gets a free Saturday (this weekend or next, supposedly), they will be in! I'm so excited for that. After the floors, we'll be painting the spare bedroom/will-be nursery. I've been researching unisex color schemes, and I think I've picked one.... Not 100% sure though, so I'll hold off on sharing. ;)

The planned projects are keeping me going.

Now, even though I have not been in the gym, I have been using my Ab Circle and Shake Weight! :P I feel tighter in my tummy and my arms are definitely changing shape a little. I've been trying to do 6 minutes minimum of each every day. I missed yesterday - I pretty much passed out as soon as I got home. Every day I tell myself I'm going to the gym after work, but it hasn't happened for a few weeks. I'm telling myself the same thing again today. We shall see...