Monday, January 11, 2010

New Year, New Start

Ahhh! Hello 2010! :)

So, I definitely gained some holiday weight at the end of 2009. So, after a few crazy nights to start the year, I have decided to make some changes...
I have started doing P90x with Melody (and I think Joey is jumping on board too!). She is doing the Classic version, and I am starting with the Lean version. I have very little upper body strength (which is a big part of it), and I wanted to get a complete understanding of the system in the first go-around, and then have something fresh to start on next time. I should finish in the first week of April, and that would give me enough time to possible do the May Rocketchix and then start back up in June with the Classic version of P90x. I'm tired of just being comfortable. I proved to myself that I can keep the weight off, and now I want to improve.
I am also cutting out alcohol - especially during P90x. I know there will be some small exceptions here or there (I had already bought some Rose Regale for Valentine's Day), but no more of this random glass of wine during the week or crazy partying on the weekends. I cannot imagine how many empty calories I have put into my body with alcohol. The last time I drank heavily, I spent the entire next day feeling like shit. All that for a few hours of acting crazy? I act crazy when I don't drink. Done. :)
I am including Michael more in my health journey. His body has started to change with his job at the bank. He sits a majority of his day and works on a computer. I gave him a bike for Christmas, and we are planning to ride together at least twice a week as soon as the temp gets above freezing! lol He is very excited, and I hope that I can use his enthusiasm when mine starts to get low.

Basically, I want to do my best to look at each day as a challenge on it's own. I did that when I first started to lose weight and it worked wonders! Those days add up quick. I want to get away from the mindset that I can have a cheat here or there because I "earned it". I've picked up some new tips and recipes, and everything feels fresh and renewed again. This first week of P90x has flown by, and I can't wait to see my body on day 90! :)